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The Darkness II

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 3:14 pm
by Tibarn
press release
2K Games Calls for Return of Chaos and Destruction with The Darknessâ„¢ II
Quad-Wielding combat, ruthless story and hand-painted graphic noir art style breathe new life into first-person shooter genre this fall

Windsor, UK – February 8, 2011 – 2K Games announced today that The Darkness™ II, the sequel to the million unit-selling 2007 title, The Darkness™, will be coming to the Xbox 360® video game and entertainment system from Microsoft, PlayStation®3 computer entertainment system and Windows PC in fall 2011. Developed by Digital Extremes and based on the supernatural horror comic book series created by Top Cow Productions, Inc., The Darkness II takes players down a brutal and personal path as Jackie Estacado, wielder of The Darkness – an ancient and ruthless force of chaos and destruction.

The Darkness II breaks out of the sea of conventional first-person shooters with its fervid Quad-Wielding gameplay, which will allow players to slash, grab, and throw objects and enemies with their Demon Arms while simultaneously firing two weapons. The game is layered with the use of dark versus light, steeped in deep and twisted storytelling, and engulfed in stylistic violence that is visualized through a hand-painted graphic noir technique that stays true to its comic book origins.

“The Darkness II is a well of dark and imaginative violence, and it’s a stylized and beautiful nightmare,” said Christoph Hartmann, president of 2K. “The Darkness II continues the 2K Games tradition of delivering quality, innovative games that are filled to the brim with atmosphere and deep storytelling. The game takes a unique stance on fighting in the dark versus light. Combined with the arsenal of weapons at Jackie’s disposal and the gruesome attacks of the supernatural Demon Arms and Darkness powers, we’re proud to announce another title that delivers on our core values of creating games for gamers.”

The Darkness II will feature award-winning comic book writer, Paul Jenkins, who will provide a tightly integrated narrative that weaves dark humor with hardcore tenderness.

Take a step back from the familiar and comfortable, and prepare to embrace The Darkness.

It’s been two years since Jackie Estacado, now the Don of the Franchetti crime family, used The Darkness to kill the men responsible for his girlfriend’s murder. He’s been unable to shake the memory of Jenny’s death since bottling up his supernatural power, and now The Darkness wants out. A sudden, unprovoked attack on Jackie’s life heralds the start of a full-scale mob war, which has clearly been orchestrated by some outside force. The botched attempt opens the door for The Darkness to reemerge, and sets Jackie on a journey to hell and worse, as he unravels the mystery behind the attack and the motivations of The Darkness itself.

“Sometimes that whooshing sound you hear is that of comic fans holding their collective breath,” said Marc Silvestri, founder and CEO of Top Cow Productions and co-creator of The Darkness comics. “So often disappointed when a favorite character gives birth to a lame movie or video game, us fans have come to expect the worst. And sometimes we get it. But not with The Darkness II. Yeah, call me biased, but this second installment of Jackie Estacado’s epic saga is – in my humble opinion – one of the most brutally cool games I’ve ever played. 2K Games hammered this one out of the park.”

Re: The Darkness II

Posted: Wed Feb 09, 2011 7:58 pm
by skp_16
FPS nanaman :grrr: :sigh:

Re: The Darkness II

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 9:11 am
by PSNomad
^No choice sila FPS din yung original e. :bigmouth:

Re: The Darkness II

Posted: Mon Feb 14, 2011 10:58 am
by solstice
Nagandahan ako sa part 1, sana okay din ito :clap:

Re: The Darkness II

Posted: Fri Feb 18, 2011 10:56 pm
by edrian34
Mike Patton Returns For The Darkness II

Good news for Darkness fans. Faith No More frontman, Mike Patton will be reprising his role as The Darkness, providing his dulcet tones to the ultimate evil and chaotic force once more. And he couldn't be happier, it seems.

“It feels really good to be the bad guy, and The Darkness is as bad as it gets,” said Patton. “I’ve read through the script and Jackie is going to be a brutally tortured soul. I’m looking forward to making his life a living hell.”

The Darkness will still goad the game's protagonist, Jackie Estacado as usual, offering nasty lines and taunts as you use the whippy Demon Arms to wreak havoc through The Darkness II's campaign.

“The story behind The Darkness II wouldn’t be complete or authentic without the character of The Darkness,” said Christoph Hartmann, president of 2K. “Mike Patton brings a completely unique perspective to the role which is essential in creating the world of The Darkness.”

The Darkness II is scheduled for release in autumn 2011. ... ss-II.html

Re: The Darkness II

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:45 am
by atabspunk
solstice wrote:Nagandahan ako sa part 1, sana okay din ito :clap:
Same here... ok yung demo nito noon! :agree:

Re: The Darkness II

Posted: Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:56 am
by sinkhole12
Underrated yung part 1 nito.... maganda yung story at plot nung part 1, maganda din yung desig ng characters except kay Jackie.... :ashamed:

Re: The Darkness II

Posted: Wed Feb 23, 2011 7:54 pm
by Diviant
muwahaha excited ako ulit gamitin ang blackhole :clap:

Re: The Darkness II

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 8:29 pm
by edrian34

Re: The Darkness II

Posted: Thu May 19, 2011 11:58 pm
by edrian34
The Darkness II Development Was Out of Starbreeze's Hands

Development on The Darkness II went to Digital Extremes and not the previous game's developer, Starbreeze Studios for a reason. Starbreeze CEO Mikael Nermark explained to CVG that the decision for Digital Extremes to take over on development of the sequel was entirely down to publisher 2K, and completely out of his studio's hands.

"The decision was not up to Starbreeze, and when it was decided to do a sequel we had already started working on a new project," said Nermark. Said project is codenamed 'RedLime', a new game being developed for EA, which is rumoured to be a remake of Bullfrog's classic tactical shooter, Syndicate. Work had also started on a Jason Bourne game also for EA, which was canceled last year.

Starbreeze had been keeping busy then, and despite the studio's non-involvement in The Darkness II, it's still looking pretty good, as our last preview will attest. The Darkness II is slated to release on October 4th, 2011 in North America and October 7th, 2011 in Europe. ... Hands.html

Re: The Darkness II

Posted: Fri May 20, 2011 8:56 am
by OniLord
ok ah! ganda ng part 1 nito.. same parin kaya mga powers ni jackie??

Re: The Darkness II

Posted: Thu Jun 02, 2011 12:51 pm
by PSNomad
The Darkness 2 E3 2011 Trailer (Hatred Resurfaced)

Gameplay is looking good. :2thumbs:

Re: The Darkness II

Posted: Wed Dec 07, 2011 9:58 am
by PSNomad
Darkness II Video Preview

GameSpot's Maxwell McGee breaks down the new characters in Vendettas Mode with exclusive multiplayer footage for The Darkness II ... Btitle%3B4
Four-player character based coop.

Re: The Darkness II

Posted: Fri Dec 09, 2011 1:13 am
by Fed_05
na-hype ako sa game na to nung napanood ko sya sa Qore kanina at tsaka mukang astig naman yung game and it reminds me of max payne for some reason siguro dahil sa comic :sweat:

Re: The Darkness II

Posted: Tue Dec 27, 2011 2:48 pm
by Fed_05
EGM's Hands-On: The Darkness II - Vendetta's Mode
Embrace the Darkness


Jackie Estacado may be the current prime Darkness wielder, but it’s corrupt taint is centuries old and has been influencing man for far longer than anyone can imagine. And as Jackie just learned in the comics after a confrontation with his estranged sister, he isn’t the only one with the ability to tap into its dark power like he had previously thought. Building on that idea, 2K gave us a preview of a new narrative cooperative game mode for The Darkness II called Vendettas, where four other Darkness wielders are teaming up to bring the fight to the Brotherhood and lend Jackie a hand he may not even realize he needs.

Once we picked real life co-op partners and settled into our chairs in front of some consoles, the new characters we could choose from settled into their own chairs around a poker table and began to plan their next move on how they would assist our dear Jackie’s fight while remaining hidden to him.

Starting off, we were introduced to Dr. J.P. DuMond. The descendent of a Creole family who settled in New Orleans over a century and a half ago, DuMond was a respectable doctor. But he was also a curious man and wished to re-discover some of his family’s roots by practicing a form of Louisiana Voodoo that he would use to heal his patients of their dark energies and store them in dolls. After some time though, he had accumulated a few too many dolls and was forced to keep them in a black metal box, which he nicknamed his Box of Tricks. When even that became too much, DuMond buried the box, hoping returning the evil to the Earth would rid him of the horrors he had compiled. Then a hurricane happened to hit New Orleans and the box was unearthed and came to the attention of the Brotherhood, who were drawn to this psychic sickness and its weaponization possibilities like moths to flame. Burdened with this responsibility, DuMond fights to protect the box and unleashes some of his “tricks”, upon those who would use it for nefarious means. DuMond’s favorite? Black Hole, which opens a vortex up in time and space and unleashes dark magic upon all those nearby and consumes them like maggots on a carcass. DuMond also has his Midnight Stick, which he uses as his Dark conduit to heal his allies as well as inflict harm on his foes as he can use it to wield what some would say is low-level telekinesis.


Next was Shoshanna. An agent of the Israeli Intelligence Agency, Mossad, Shoshanna is as by the books as they come. Israel has been aware of the Darkness for decades and has been training operatives to deal with it, and the Brotherhood, as necessary to prevent any type of worldwide conflict where it could prosper. She wields the Arm of the Night, a sawed-off shotgun infused with Dark essence. A heirloom that has been in her family for over 75 years, the Arm is interesting as it has unlimited ammo, but only four bullets a clip and is slow to reload so is best used for only dire situations. Her accompanying power is Gun Channeling. The Darkness’s infatuation with death-dealing technology allows Shoshanna to fire an even more powerful blast from the Arm, often dealing a one hit kill.


Next we came to Jimmy Wilson who looks like he belongs more in the WWE than fighting the Darkness. Not much is known about Jimmy and you don’t need to know much. He looks like WWE Superstar Sheamus except he’s Scottish and not Irish. But he hates the English just as much and believes the Brotherhood is simply the English trying to take over the world again. Whatever his motivations, Jimmy is an excellent fighter and uses his Darkness infused hand axe to deal death up close and afar when he flings it like a boomerang. Jimmy is actually the closest to the Darkness of the four, but is often too drunk to understand as he can motion his axe to summon darklings to his aid. Jimmy simply thinks of them as his special drunken fairies though and lovingly refers to them as his “Little Jimmys” (suddenly sounding more like WWE wrestler R-Truth) when he sends them into the fray.


Finally we came upon Inugami. Although he may not be as connected to the Darkness as much as the others, Inugami’s sword Kusanagi has been feeding on the souls of the innocent and the damned for more than 2000 years now. The ancient beginnings of the Brotherhood would use the sword to perform countless innocent sacrifices to their Darkness infused priests and soon the sword became as possessed as the wielders and would search for souls to feed on. It is said that the Darkness will leave the sword once it has feasted on 10,000 damned souls, the same amount of innocent souls it consumed while in Brotherhood hands. Looking to fulfill this curse, Inugami is on a thankless quest to bring death to those who would wrong others. But, there’s a catch. For every night he fails to kill an evildoer, the sword takes a small chuck of Inugami’s life force equal to one year off his life. So far, the sword has sampled Inugami 17 times. Inugami can call upon the Darkness in the sword to perform Swarm, an attack that sends a cloud of miniature demons after enemies and tears them apart like locusts on crops.


“This was a great opportunity to grow the universe. So we went to Paul Jenkins, who wrote on the comics and wrote both games, and told him to make whatever he wanted for four new characters. Our only direction was we needed four and that they needed to be strong enough that they could support a game all on their own. And at first he seemed intimidated by that, but then he realized the opportunity as well and just ran with it,” said 2K Producer Seth Olshfski on the idea of creating these four original characters.

Once settled in, I picked J.P. and my partner picked Inugami. Playing through the first two levels of the co-op narrative we began with rescuing a character who isn’t necessarily Jackie’s favorite person in the world, but figures he owes him one and so once rescued by the four, will serve as your “handler” of sorts as his Darkness knowledge has made him invaluable to many and will send you on missions looking for ways to harm the Brotherhood’s operations in New York. Although not as cool as Jackie’s quad wielding Darkness abilities and set up as more of a traditional two-handed first-person shooter, the need to work together and the clear differences between each character are evident from the get go. And the banter between each character adds a unique comedic twist to the story that compels you to push forward to see how everyone will continue to interact with each other.


“We knew the single player game would be heavy. Jackie’s life is not easy. And the things that happen to him are not pleasant. Jackie’s stories never end with puppies, rainbows, sunshine, and happiness. That’s what you want for single player. But a game you’re playing with friends? You don’t want that strong emotional moment while you’re on a headset with other people. You want more of a gallows humor you would have talking about how you’d blow up when the grenade came down while you’re fighting in the trenches. And that idea of a dark comedy helped inspire where we went with the narrative co-op,” said Olshfski when speaking about the tone of Vendettas.

After completing our pair of story missions, we were introduced to the Hit List mode, which are separate missions from the main co-op narrative campaign, but still fit in to how the four work together and how they face off against the Brotherhood. We were shown a middle level Hit List mission where the four must take down a Brotherhood big wig that works for the local news station. Unwisely, my partner and I chose new characters to get a different feel of the game with, me going with Shoshanna and him with Jimmy. I say unwisely because the difficulty level definitely spikes as you progress further in the modes and not having leveled these character up like we had J.P. and Inugami left us at a distinct disadvantage when Brotherhood minions began swarming us for the climatic final battle of the mission on the news building’s rooftop. After several deaths we were able to overcome the level, but clearly leveling up your character’s powers in earlier missions will be key to progressing through either Vendettas or Hit List. An interesting note we learned while playing this mission though was that although you can play Vendettas by yourself if you so choose, there are many missions in Hit List that require the co-op assistance of a friend. Looks like I had better go back to work on actually leaving my hole in the ground and making some friends then!

“Vendettas as its own game, is enough of a game that you could put it in its own box and sell it. Early in development, we felt the core pillar we needed to support was in service to the story. We talked about competitive multiplayer and some other things, but narrative based co-op was it because we could tell a really interesting story. A lot of people tack on the multiplayer aspect at the end because someone says they have to. This was our plan from the very beginning,” said Olshfski when I asked him about just how much of an experience people can expect from this new mode. If that is true and The Darkness II is akin to two stories in one with this new, intriguing, and highly polished mode, then I think this is going to be a game that will please a very wide audience for a variety of reasons and I can’t wait to personally embrace the darkness come February 2012.

Image ... ttas-mode/

Re: The Darkness II

Posted: Wed Jan 25, 2012 2:36 pm
by Essej_
Darkness 2 launch trailer unleashed. Demo Out on PSN ... -unleashed

Re: The Darkness II

Posted: Fri Jan 27, 2012 1:43 am
by Fed_05
EGM's Interview: The Darkness II
Illuminating the Darkness


EGM had a chance to sit down and talk with The Darkness II‘s creative director Sheldon Carter and discuss with him demon arms, Darklings, and dead cats.

EGM: The Darkness II is a very different game than its predecessor; you’ve rebooted the art style and gameplay mechanics. Was there anything from the original that you felt was too sacred to mess with?

Sheldon Carter: The thing we liked most about the first game was its narrative and the way it had emotional beats. We felt like the player’s experience, because of that aspect, was amazing and something we had to hold onto really tight. That was totally the thing we liked the most: the emotional experience. We really wanted to retain that from the first game, so we even have the same writer, Paul Jenkins.

EGM: Spoiler alert from The Darkness: The first game’s remembered for the surprising death of Jackie’s girlfriend, Jenny. But our recent demo concluded with what appears to be Jenny trapped in a very bad place. What gives?

SC: I can’t go into too much detail on that, because it’s a really big part of the story, and we don’t want to ruin it. But she’s a factor in the game. And, for Jackie, it’s kind of a redemption story. In that way, Jenny’s obviously a big part. You feel the overwhelming guilt for what happened to her in the first game, so there are elements of that, but you’re going to discover more as you play through The Darkness II. We don’t want to spoil it for you, but we think that type of stuff is really important to the way a Darkness story is told. We have some of those same types of feelings, but the way we do it is different from the first game.


EGM: Do you think bringing her back—in any form—could dilute the impact of her death?

SC: The way we’re handling it—and the way Paul’s written it into the story—I think it works from kind of a logistical perspective, for one. But, also, I think it’s treated in a way that still acknowledges the way it happened in the first game. It’s more like the progression of what’s happened, rather than us doing any kind of revisionist history.

EGM: Our demo introduced an RPG-like talent tree. Can you talk a bit about that and what it means for the gameplay dynamic?

SC: It came from Jackie’s mastery of the Darkness. We wanted to have a system based on player expression in terms of how you want to create your Jackie or your path with Jackie. We really wanted this to be a game where, as you proceed and eat hearts and gain this dark essence, you’re able to channel that into these talent shrines and show your mastery of the Darkness. Also, at the same time, kind of cater to different player styles.

EGM: Could the same player go through the game multiple times and have a different experience, depending on which path they follow on the talent tree?

SC: Yeah, absolutely. There’s no way you’re going to cover all of these trees on a single playthrough, so it’s really going to be your expression: How’s your Jackie going to be different from mine? We weren’t designing it necessarily for replayability, but absolutely, there’s just no way that you’d be able to experience the whole tree—you’d probably get half of it in a playthrough. Even within the Power branch, you’ve got two different paths you can go down; there’s a power called Swarm, and there’s a power called Gun Channeling—they’re very different. It’s a tight spiral between all of the talents, kind of hooking into each other, but also giving the player the ability to express themselves depending on how they want to play the game.


EGM: Plenty of games give the player a cool toolbox of toys, but then offer little in the way of enemies to use them on. Is The Darkness II balancing these talents in a way that will make them more relevant than gimmicky?

SC: For us, I think the best thing that we have is our main enemy, the Brotherhood, and the fact that they understand the Darkness. They’re kind of this age-old organization that have been tracking the Darkness for centuries, and they know how it works, so they know Jackie’s weaknesses. In the first game, we were mostly dealing with mobsters, but these guys understand that the Darkness works only in the dark, so they’re going to use light as a weapon. Even the base-level guys will throw flashbangs and flares. This ends up creating a scenario where the player really has to think about the right ways to use their power. They won’t necessarily be able to rely on a single power or powers. They’re going to have to mix up their strategies in order to deal with all the different tactics the Brotherhood is bringing.

EGM: In this latest demo, we were able to control Jackie’s Darkling sidekick, who replaces the original game’s multiple Darklings. Why the change?

SC: We took this group of minions that were kind of a throwaway gameplay tool, and we thought: “How can we turn that mechanic into a cohesive character that’s kind of your sidekick on this journey and is also going to be a guy that saves your ass in combat situations and has his own narrative arc?” That’s what drove us to swap between Darklings to the single Darkling. The story also tells you more about his character and where he comes from and how he works. And then, there are sections where you actually take control of him—there’s also some stealth and puzzle-solving for him.

EGM: We used him to tear a dude’s throat out, which was quite satisfying. Does he have different kill moves, like Jackie?

SC: Yeah, he’s got a couple of executions. Obviously, a lot of the stuff that’s shown in the game is Jackie ripping guys apart with the demon arms. But, yeah, he does that one where he grabs someone from behind and slashes up their throat, and he’s also got one where he jumps up on the front of them and gouges out their eyes with his thumbs. And, in terms of other gameplay, we wanted to have lots of different ways that he could work—he’ll go and grab guys out of cover for you, and he’ll jump on them and cover their eyes. As you progress, you get talents that kind of work with him, too. So, you can pick him up and throw him, and he’ll do this facehugger attack on guys. On top of that, he also does a series of corpse desecrations, where he’ll drop elbows on dead guys, or he’ll pee on them.


EGM: Will we get any explanation as to why he’s wearing a dead cat on his head?

SC: Well, I mean, you do get a feel of his character—he’s very old, and so there’s some of his Berserker roots that kind of come through in what he wears. The first few times you see him in the game, he’s coming out of dumpster; he’s the type of guy that just skinned a cat and thought, “Hey, this kind of looks like my old Berserker hat, so I’ll throw that on my head.”

EGM: One of the major moments we experienced was being forced to choose which one of Jackie’s men—who we’ve been asked not to reveal—was going to be executed. Can we expect more of these morality-taxing decisions in the story?

SC: Yeah, that moment’s powerful in the course of the game. It’s a huge decision, because these are guys who are your friends who’ve helped you out all through the game, so it’s a big deal to make those decisions. On that level, there are a few of them in the game, but they’re important ones. But we are a game where, all the way through, you’re going to be facing moral dilemmas. That’s not really the gist of the story we’re telling, but they’re presented to the player where appropriate.

Image ... rkness-ii/

Re: The Darkness II

Posted: Sun Jan 29, 2012 4:49 am
by hanikuh18
downloading the demo... tungkol san ito mga master?

Re: The Darkness II

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 12:37 pm
by PSNomad
Ayos yung demo. Panalo parin voice acting. Solid gunplay although medyo mahirap sabihin kung tatama yung shots when dual wielding since walang ADS. Graphics seem outdated pero di masyado halata since cel-shaded.

Sarap gamitin ng Darkness. :twisted:

Re: The Darkness II

Posted: Sun Feb 05, 2012 5:21 pm
by solstice
Ngayon ko lang na-check ito. Binago nila yung art design parang comic book na :shock: