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Re: The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct (03.19.13)

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 2:28 pm
by phase1youth
may kumuha ba nito? :sweat: kumusta naman?

Re: The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 10:02 am
by deathzero23
is it comparable to Farcry? di ba ganun din ang idea behind Farcry? di nga lang Zombie kalaban mo dun.

Re: The Walking Dead: Survival Instinct

Posted: Thu Mar 21, 2013 2:27 pm
by javelin
Everybody has ran away from this game cause of the early reviews huh?
And because it's what some would label as a "hit series Activision cash-in"......
Well.......after having pre-ordered the game and having played it for a day,
I can attest to some truth to those reviews, but this game ain't THAT bad.
Sure the graphics may be of a lesser quality in some areas, but it still does the job.
I don't play a game mainly for graphics (that'd be too shallow), I play it if it's fun and something that I can get easily into....

Anyway, TWD Survival Instinct, is basically all about surviving, foraging and stealth. Unlike Acti-$$$'s other famous
franchise *cough* COD, you can't just go around with guns ablazing shooting everything in sight. It plays similarly to like can't risk to be seen, you can't risk to make a sound, you can't risk to run out of gas, and you can't risk to get surrounded by walkers/biters. But then again, this game also has you going out on a limb and taking risks, you gotta risk going into that building to gather supplies or look for survivors, you gotta risk opening that door in the dark deep hallway to move on, and you gotta risk running around in the open buck naked to run to your car with a canister full of gas.

In short, if you are into the TWD universe, this might appeal to you. And you have to remember the rules of the TWD
universe in order to survive this game. Going from point A to point B, stopping along the way to gather supplies or do something else.

I give it a 6/10. It's barely passable to have fun in. And there are some genuine "jump out your chair" moments,
that is accompanied by horror-esque sounds. It's cool for awhile.... Rental quality.

EDIT: Forgot to add that loading times are excruciatingly long.